Saturday, August 10, 2013

Love's Mighty Ocean.

"Nothing can be given or taken away; nothing has been added or subtracted; nothing increased or diminished. We stand on the same shore before the same mighty ocean. The ocean of love. 
There it is ~ in perpetuum. 
As much in a broken blossom, the sound of a waterfall, the swoop of a carrion bird as in the thunderous artillery of the prophet.

We move with eyes shut and ears stopped; we smash walls where doors are waiting to open to the touch; we grope for ladders, forgetting that we have wings; we pray as if God were deaf and blind, as if He were in a space. No wonder the angels in our midst are unrecognizable.
One day it will be pleasant to remember these things."  

My dears, my most beautiful friends;

In life we may often feel this sense of being pulled away ~ ripped from those very things that bring so much joy into our day.

Oh, and what we bid to the spoils of fate...and to experiences long since past... 

We begin to feel that life is left, at best, to chance...

But, in doing so...we forget to dance in the mist of this mighty ocean....

And rejoice, in the this most brilliant manifestation of love.

Namaste, to you my most beautiful friends... I love you all so dearly.

And, thank you for the pleasure of your company in my garden this morning ~ as your presence here, has made the memory that much more dear...

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