Monday, August 19, 2013

The Healing Power of Hugs.

That's what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you're not so lovable.” ~ Deb Caletti

They’re free. We’ve all got them. And we all so very much want need them from time to time.

They make us feel safe, and sometimes help to ‘reconnect’ our body with our mind.

They bring us closer in this one small space of interconnectedness—and, make our hearts smile, big.

They have the power to completely transform our sense of being, within just one single moment.

And no words, or often very few, are ever exchanged in order to confirm that one simple point—that in this space, you are loved.

And, look! Look at how much joy they bring!

So why not take one moment today, to reach out and really touch someone?

In doing so, you might just find that two arms, outstretched, is the shortest distance between two souls.

So, go ahead—go hug someone today.

Bonus: Super amazing hug video!


  1. I love the idea! When I saw a similar video last month, I felt a strong urge to do something similar here, but little nuggets of fear stopped me. Here is your reminder, so I am daring myself, to just do it!

  2. Hi Tara,

    Another great "Mindful Musing,” I plan to give more hugs daily.

    Thank You again for sharing!

    “Sometimes it's better to put love into hugs than to put it into words.” ~ Author Unknown

    Pam (*-*)
