Friday, July 5, 2013

You Are...

 “If pain must come, may it come quickly. Because I have a life to live, and I need to live it in the best way possible.” ~ Paulo Coelho
 My most beautiful friends...

I must apologize, as I have had a rather rough couple of days ~ the result of taking on far too much, too soon and without those much needed moments to to breathe.

I was exhausted in every aspect of my life and my being.

My spirit cried for a full two days ~ as I stayed, tucked safely away from this new battlefield that life created for me.

In these moments, it's so very easy to believe that our dreams have all but slipped away...

But, my dears, our dreams are only ever as far as our hearts will allow them to be.

And all that we must ever really simply just believe.

I had almost allowed my pain to take me away from that one thing that matter most of all...

So, my most beautiful friends...on this day, I choose to dream once again...

And, next time...when the rain comes...I shall see renewal.

Namaste, my most beautiful friends...always remember, "you are the atmosphere of beauty through which I see life."

Poem, Who Are Your Really?

“you are not a name
or a height, or a weight
or a gender
you are not an age
and you are not where you are from

you are your favorite books
and the songs stuck in your head
you are your thoughts
and what you eat for breakfast
on Saturday mornings

you are a thousand things
but everyone chooses
to see the million things
you are not

you are not
where you are from
you are
where you are going
and i'd like
to go there

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