Saturday, July 20, 2013

Not "Good Enough" to Create...?!

 "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearning of the human soul." ~ Unknown

Someone wrote to me with the silliest of notions today... it was something along the lines of not feeling they were 'good enough' to create..

My dears, everyone in the life and on this beautiful planet is born with a limitless capacity to share... and to create.

And yet, somewhere along the line we have convinced ourselves otherwise.

My dears, rest assured ~ just as the sun greets us each day, and the wind rustles up that patch of trees... and the rain touches our skin on the latter part of a late summer day... so, too, must we all create.

Oh, I suppose I could cite something from the farthest (and dustiest) reaches of some medical journal and indicating some genetic jib-jab justifications for the science of creation...

But, that doesn't even begin to touch the very heart of it, now does it?

That endless drive that nudges you in the middle of the darkest night, and sending you scrambling for a small scrap of paper and a little something to write with...

And it doesn't even begin to describe the many ways you wonder why, as you sit sipping sweet tea and watching the hummingbirds flight through the garden....

Or, the way the words match the music in just that so completely perfect sort of way...

It's in all of us my dears, and it's good ~ every single bit of it...

And, my dears, your only job is to get on with it...

Namaste, my most beautiful (and creative friends)...

And so, enough of this nonsense,

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