Monday, December 24, 2012

a good christmas cry.

sometimes, it can be - that someone we love, may say something that pokes us right at the core... at our very heart... making us feel so not so very well. 

so tonight... after a very long day... and after someone saying something so hurtful... I believe I am going to retire early for the next few days... and pray for good energy to come this way... I made a Christmas wish tonight, it was a big one - I'm hoping for a hug. 


  1. i am sending you a hug and lots of christmas love!

  2. On Dec 24, I happened into wildflowers
    pulling me down into the grasses to drink,
    while you found the thorns.
    As their pain passes, these wounds heal,
    may you find in toddler eyes
    the buds of the roses,
    the perfect color
    that name it all
    and open May.

    fellow traveler

  3. Thank you all ~ your love was well received, and warmly embraced. My tears have passed, as I sit with all your love this morning. xo
