Tuesday, January 7, 2014

These Paths We Create.

"One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don’t leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind." ~ Osho
Have you ever just had ‘one of those nights’ – a night in which you toss and turn in a most uncertain kind of unsettledness?

And, try as you might to understand why – there’s really no making any sense of it.

Because, sometimes the unsettledness just is. And, why…even we late night, doggie walking, musers are prone to our own moments of ‘sticking-ness.”

But,…these paths that lead us round and round are destined always to bring us home, once again.

And, my dears, not even the most well-intentioned of prophets and sages can dare to describe how we must travel it.

We must do as we see fit.

You know, I was quite fortunate to be graced by the insight of a dear friend yesterday – who reminded me of the ‘single minded simplicity’ of the most endearing movie character, Forrest Gump. To some, he may have seemed rather slow-sitted and naive, but to others…perhaps, he offered a much needed ‘key’ to an often chaotic world.

Perhaps, it is the simpler things that get us through the ‘very much bigger’ things?

Like, death…disease…and the atrocities of war; the pangs of poverty…and the splintered sting of heart left breaking?

My dears, what if, and in spite of all these things…something as simple as the sound of a pup sniff-snortling his way through the crisp night’s air could set your soul back to right again?
Mama always said, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna getForrest Gump
Indeed, you really never know quite what you’ll get…but, my dears trust that this path is only just beginning, and it will be exactly and everything you most make of it.
And, maybe that’s the trick now, isn’t it? To learn to be as gentle as the feather floating along the softest breeze ~ and having faith in wherever these winds may choose to carry you?
My dears, if you wouldn’t mind so very much – something has compelled me to share with you the immortal words of American author, Og Mandino.

May his most simple passage serve to remind us of this miraculous gift we’ve been given.
I will live this day as if it is my last.

And what shall I do with this last precious day, which remains in my keeping? First, I will seal up its container of life so that not one drop spills itself upon the sand. I will waste not a moment mourning yesterday’s misfortunes, yesterday’s defeats, yesterday’s aches of the heart, for why should I throw good after bad?

Can sand flow upward in the hourglass? Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises? Can I relive the errors of yesterday and right them? Can I become younger than yesterday?  No. Yesterday is buried forever and I will think of it no more.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

And what then shall I do? Forgetting yesterday neither will I think of tomorrow. Why should I throw now after maybe? Can tomorrow’s sand flow through the glass before today’s? Will the sun rise twice this morning? Can I perform tomorrow’s deeds while standing in today’s path? Can I place tomorrow’s gold in today’s purse? Should I concern myself over events, which I may never witness? Should I torment myself with problems that may never come to pass? No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday, and I will think of it no more.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity. I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is reprieved from death. I lift mine arms with thanks for this priceless gift of a new day. So too, I will beat upon my heart with gratitude as I consider all who greeted yesterday’s sunrise who are no longer with the living today. I am indeed a fortunate man and today’s hours are but a bonus, undeserved. Why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I have departed? Is it that they have accomplished their purpose while mine is yet to be achieved? Is this another opportunity for me to become the man I know I can be? Is this my day to excel?

I will live this day as if it is my last.

I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time. When I waste one I destroy the other. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return. It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow, for who can trap the wind? Each minute of this day will I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for its value is beyond price. What dying man can purchase another breath though he willingly give all his gold? What price dare I place on the hours ahead? I will make them priceless!

I will live this day as if it my last.

I will avoid with fury the killers of time. Procrastination I will destroy with action; doubt I will bury under faith; fear I will dismember with confidence. Where there are idle mouths I will listen not; where there are idle hands I will linger not; where there are idle bodies I will visit not.

I will live this day as if it is my last.

And if it is my last, it will be my greatest monument. This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to its full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will maketh every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue....Each minute of today will be more fruitful than hours of yesterday. My last must be my best.

I will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks. (Og Mandino)

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