Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Learning to Live in the Just Enough.

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.” ― Marcus Aurelius

I caught myself in a flurry of 'thinky-thoughts' this morning - going over the details of my son's arrival, wondering if I had completed everything on 'the list'...

And,*spin, spin, spinning* into the day, once again.

Oh, my dears...and just when does it ever end?

In our hearts, we wish for happiness and calm...

Meanwhile, our 'thinking minds' rumble on and on. 

As I looked out the window, I saw my faithful pup racing around the yard - digging and sniffing his way to a forever sort of bliss. It reminded me of the day I took him for a walk along the nature trail. The fields were filled with brightly colored blooms, which he...simply couldn't wait to explore. 

I sat along the pond's edge, watching and smiling as he moved from flower top to flower top ~ stopping only just long enough, to take in the flower's most beautiful essence without becoming too terribly overwhelmed.

It was the happiest, I believe, I have ever seen him...rolling and wagging in his 'just enough'...

If only we could adopt the same approach to our present thoughts...not too little...and never too much...

And...always, learning to pause in our own 'just enough.'

Namaste, my most beautiful friends ~ and isn't it amazing the lessons we learn from our pups?

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