Creating Space for Compassion and Closeness ~ By Tara Lemieux
The Space Between
These past few days I’ve spent in my bed thinking and reflecting
(blankets serve a great dual purpose of shielding out the negative
energy of a day and providing ample coziness to make us feel comfortable
in our bigger thinking projects).
I was thinking over my sadness. For you see, in a bizarre twist of
fate and wild turn of events that no one could ever predict or see, I
found myself standing alone and seemingly defenseless in a sea of angry people.
Not just one or two, as we sometimes experience in our day to
day—rather, quite literally thousands. With this many people and that
much negative energy, it seemed my email box spilled over with more
hateful sentiment than I was swiftly able to delete.
Those who did not know me and had never once experienced my energy,
nor came close to really knowing my heart—they all felt some push to
share. Well, it suffices to say that people can be quite cruel in their
general observations of the world and all of the beautiful people in it.
Since I am often wandering mindlessly along my path, in careful
reflection and thinking about all the wonderful things in this world and
along my way, it came as quite a shock that I had missed this “great
I will be honest—initially, this new understanding of the “other”
side of the human heart was so completely overwhelming that it kept me
hidden under my sheets until I felt it safe to come out again.
Photo via by CassidyGrummer
If truth be told, I don’t think I stopped crying in all of
those two days I spent hidden under my sheets. Even as I write this, I
am still very much overwhelmed and saddened by having come this close to
touching hate. I know in my heart that what I experienced is just the
smallest slice of the greater whole of what exists inside the rest of
this very real world.
I’m not so much saddened by what was said—these words, without context, have no greater impact on my spirit. Rather, I am most sad that
this energy was shared. I have always been of the very simple opinion
that it takes so little to share kindness, even less to offer compassion
and less still, the ability to look to another and see that there is a
heart and spirit on the other side.
I guess I have always felt—in an awfully Buddhist sort of way—that
we’re all part of the same fabric, interconnected through some greater
energy and unlimited by any boundaries between us. When I look to
others, I truly see all the wonderful ways in which we are
connected and interconnected—I see how much we truly share. Sometimes
when looking to others, I see myself. But always when looking to others,
I see their hearts.
I realized that the only thing that keeps us all from knowing that
level of closeness is this space in between that we either fill with
love or with reasons to keep us apart. In my space in between, I will
always choose to have closeness.
I will always choose to find compassion and the energy to be greater
than any other illusions that might try to nudge their way in. But
mostly, in the space in between, I shall always choose to find love.
Try as they might to change me through their opinion—I will always be
true to my own spirit. You can’t dim the sun by slipping on a pair of
shades—the light is always the same, however you try to change it. Just
as the space between is just as we choose and will it forever to be.
I feel very sad for those who were so greatly unkind because they are
the only ones keeping themselves away from truly unconditional love.
Sometimes, it’s the space we create that is keeping us from what we want and need most.
Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She doesn’t necessarily know how to behave “properly” in meetings or at events that require a delicate touch, as often she finds herself with filters switched to the “off”. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered. Just like a butterfly, she is ready to spread her newly painted wings and fly to wherever the universe may carry her.
When she’s not writing, you can find her walking in the woods, humming quietly to herself, giggling with her children and sometimes changing the way we look at things, one simple moment at a time. Tara does not like scary movies, smartly dressed monkeys, flannel sheets (they stick to her pajamas), or David Copperfield. Tara is “fabulously imperfect”, in spite of the many bumps and bruises she’s collected along her way. Sometimes she tells people she loves them far too much, but she is always sincere. As a friend, she will always be most loyal, honest, and true. If after all of this, you still wish to seek Tara out, you can find her rambling on at Malin Bergman
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